TAMING YOUR ANGER “Anger is a certified destroyer, from its birth till now, it is yet to build a lasting legacy” ― Osho Samuel Adetunji I once again welcome you to Tales, an educative page where we improve on what we know and who we are, thereby making the world a better place. I remain your loyal host, Olabusola Olorunnowo. T oday on the blog we are looking at how to deal with the negative impact of our anger and we would be dissecting this subject of discourse with a number of relevant quotations that reflect anger and it's effects in several ways. Anger is basically an expression or reaction to an unpleasant situation. Everyone has a physical response to anger. Our body releases the hormone adrenalin, making our heart beat faster and making us breathe quicker and sweat more. This allows us to focus on the threat and react quickly, but it can also mean we don’t think straight, and maybe react in ways w...