7 TIPS ON MANAGING YOUR INCOME Do you know how it feels when you are tired and weak, and now you have a headache, not due to fatigue but due to the fact that the calendar reads 28 th and you have calculated your salary the umpteenth time yet your budget weighs more than your salary. Trust me, I know what it feels like when you suddenly think your salary is not enough at the point you get the alert. It is quite ironic to feel sad and overwhelmed the moments you receive your monthly salary rather feel grateful. Elizabeth Warren opines that “ Balancing your money is the key to having enough ”. Sometimes most of our financial challenges are tied to our inability to manage our income per time. Here are a few tips: 7 TIPS ON MANAGING YOUR INCOME 1. COMMIT YOURSELF TO BE DEBT FREE : You need to set a standard for yourself else every month, you would be paying a debt. Agree with yourself that you will not borrow, no matter what arises. Have noticed that every time...