Happy Father’s day to all fathers, fathers to be and men who are beacons of hope to the young generations and the world at large.

A young man surprised a group of men by challenging them to give their families a weekend treat and then return with the stories of how the weekend went down. What a task? You would say, well it sounded so simple yet interesting.

Like a game, they all resumed their daily activities but when the said weekend came; everyone had different fun stories, excuses and all to say but it will amaze you that a young man in the person of Ayorinde Adegoke Orija, a civil servant from Egba land, who had been married for about 10 years and knew how to spoil a family stunned the men’s forum with his weekend report.

Dark and gentle Mr Ayorinde Adegoke Orija, had gone the extra mile of making a meal for his family, thereby treating his wife and children to a beautiful, delicate and delicious table of Akara. Oh! you heard me right. It was indeed a delight to hear that a family man who had tirelessly hustled almost every day of the week, despite the work burdens, family needs, could still make the weekend as special as this. Well we say, he deserves applause for this feat.

It is one thing to assist in the kitchen while your woman does the cooking and it is yet another thing to be the chef the weekend; that goes the extra mile of soaking the beans and peeling the beans.  

You will agree with me that, it is too much rigour just to prove you care but caring less about the process compared to the joy on the face of your wife and children is the great part of it all.  Ayo did not stop at peeling the beans but he went further to make a sumptuous bowl of Akara out of the bean pot. He also took his time to take pictures of the stages and trained a few men on how to prepare homemade Akara.

It is interesting to know that, nothing is actually difficult to achieve except you decide to make it look or believe it is difficult. Ayo Orija has challenged all men to give their women and family a reliving treat by preparing a homemade meal, well, YouTube and of course the help of your sister can help you will tips that can make the surprise worth it.

All you need to do is to take the bold step and make the next weekend special for your family.
So let us give it a try and see the beauty of the splendid weekend.


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