"Reward the effort, not the achievement itself. Progress, not perfection ." Cynthia Crossley, Author at Habyts An English philosopher and social reformer, Jeremy Bentham introduced the "carrot and stick" approach of motivation in people management. Which places emphasis on balancing how we can influence remarkable behaviour in people, children inclusive through reward and punishment systems. Literally, carrot, in this case, symbolizes the rewards while the stick indicates the punishment. Most parents and tutors often utilize the "carrot and stick" without knowing it. However, this article focuses on the health implications of some of the reward system or approach we put in place for children. 3 UNHEALTHY REWARDS APPROACH FOR CHILDREN Candy Reward Many of us are guilty of this, I inclusive. We often reward our children when impressed and sometimes our rewards may include ice cream, snacks, sweets, biscuits among other things. You w...