Enjoy Your Singlehood
I welcome you all to Tales by Olola, a blog where we discuss topical issues, speak in poetry,share opinion and help one another to be re-positioned in other to live a purposeful life. Am your loyal host, Olabusola Olorunnowo.
A page where we all learn, share and impact our world for the best while fulfilling our purpose of living
Life is meant to be enjoyed to the fairest.

Been single is a stage
of been independent.
It is a time when one needs to be committed to God, Humanity and self.
A Pretty lady without a character is worth no value. Hence the need to build yourself
while you are single.
You can improve on your character by the day. Self examination is better than
public disgrace. You can start today. Build the you in you and it will
compliment your beauty
Looking good is very important and been single should not mean been out of vogue.
Girl, change your wardrobe with trending wears and colors that suit you and
help you get a second gaze. Dressing elegant does not necessarily mean been extravagant but it means been creative with choice of colours, styles and wears, in relation to the occasion.
Dressing attractively is also not the same as dressing provocatively. Am not an
advocate of revealing cleavages and other parts best hidden. Although it's trending.But I simply believe your good looks is a key as it breeds confidence and creates an avenue for
pleasant relationships. It equally rewards you with unsolicited help and respect in most case. Life is meant to be enjoyed to the fairest.

Character sustains beauty: even when beauty fades away
with age and life situations, the character keeps the personality going.

Your Look Is KEY
Show some love to your self, girl.
N.B...still testing the blog... more to come...YOU can also suggest issues for discussion. Thanks.
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