I welcome you all to Olabusola's Review, a blog where we discuss topical issues, speak in poetry,share opinion and help one another to be re-positioned in other to live a purposeful life. I am your loyal host, Olabusola Olorunnowo.
Today I like to compare the life a lady to a beautiful garden. Now if you look at the picture below,this garden appear the way it is simply because someone or some people attended to it. If it is not cared for, you will find weeds and all manners of things in it. The question is how much time do you have for beautifying yourself inwardly and outwardly.
A garden is what it is when it is well attended to.
One thing i have come to realize about farmers and gardeners is that they love their farm and as a result they are always consistent in their visit to their farm or garden. They ensure they water it before and after the sun goes down (depending on the type of plant). They also weed away unwanted plants and ensure that the paths leading in and out the garden is visible and traceable. This they do because they cherish their garden.
So many people complain about people not appreciating them, yet they prefer another person's eyes, teeth, nose, legs, tummy, hands, fingers and much more to theirs. "Now if you don't like you, why should i like you" Myles Munroe.We sometimes forget that no one is perfect. We are all created uniquely. God has given us all that we need to fulfill our purpose. Yes! that wide nose, slim nose or fat legs is relevant to your purpose, history or story. Has it ever crossed your mind that what you see as been ugly is tagged lovely by another person. Beauty they say is in the eye of the beholder.
Our first TASK here is
So many people complain about people not appreciating them, yet they prefer another person's eyes, teeth, nose, legs, tummy, hands, fingers and much more to theirs. "Now if you don't like you, why should i like you" Myles Munroe.We sometimes forget that no one is perfect. We are all created uniquely. God has given us all that we need to fulfill our purpose. Yes! that wide nose, slim nose or fat legs is relevant to your purpose, history or story. Has it ever crossed your mind that what you see as been ugly is tagged lovely by another person. Beauty they say is in the eye of the beholder.
Our first TASK here is
- Love your self... love and appreciate everything about you.
- Tell yourself daily, that you are beautifully and wonderfully made
- Never let people's definition of you discourage you
The same applies to our lives as humans , especially as ladies... We need to be sensitive enough to know how and when to tend it, in other for anyone to be interested in relating with us or visiting our garden.
Our desire on getting the best is dependent on how much of our best we invest in this garden called ME. We also need to spend time to make ourselves find-able and good enough to be associated with physically, intellectually, socially, materially, spiritually and in every facet. How long can you hold a conversation: mind you, you can only contribute to the best of your knowledge. You can not give what you d not have.
Our desire on getting the best is dependent on how much of our best we invest in this garden called ME. We also need to spend time to make ourselves find-able and good enough to be associated with physically, intellectually, socially, materially, spiritually and in every facet. How long can you hold a conversation: mind you, you can only contribute to the best of your knowledge. You can not give what you d not have.
- Search deeply and appreciate God for one thing in your life daily
- Look out for areas in your garden (Life) that needs tending
- Fix it... gradually by improving the good traits and curbing the excesses..
They (Farmers and Gardeners) picked it up from where it is no matter the state of decay or abnormality. This brings us to the point of VISION... What do you want for your self? Your mind is the capital of your purpose. What are you feeding your mind with. Who are you?
MARRIAGE is not the essence of life, rather you are on earth to make a mark. The labour of our hero's past we have enjoyed but how much of you has been invested in making some one smile. Yes the time has come for you to contribute your own quota to your generation.
Mind you the more you invest in making other people happy the sooner joy would visit you in an overwhelming form. Its not a prayer but a natural law.
So here comes another TASK:
So here comes another TASK:
- Look out for a need in someone's life and meet it.
- Look inward and pick up a small project... this project might be cooking...sales... encouraging people... Just ensure you find pleasure doing it and that it also impact other people.
They (Farmers and Gardeners) never give up, and their consistence brings out a beautiful and fruitful garden. So please keep tending it... One day it will blossom..
Until the next edition ... remember TEND it
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