
Showing posts from October, 2016


Today is devoted to celebrating a young Artist whose dexterity lords over a beautiful artistic Gallery. One peculiar thing about him is that he picks details of his object of focus. I am glad i met him and would be glad to introduce this great but young  artist to you. ***************** *** ********************************************** *** ************ *  Artist is a term to denote any person who either creates or practices the art. It may also refer to a person who demonstrates the art, whereas artiste is particularly used for the artists who demonstrate their skilled art in public like dancers, actors and singers. "Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known" -  Oscar Wilde Art is an expression of life and here is Ogunlesi Paul utilizing his innate ability through some selected media to tell different stories about life. t is from this Gallery that i bring you this few. WHO IS OGUNLESI PAUL ...


Welcome to Olabusola's Review and today's discourse is on : WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR CHILD HATE HIS TEACHER   Children and their teachers have often enjoyed the best of relationships and this is very evident in the statement of toddlers. You must have heard them say to their parents. " I will report you to my teacher" and it will amaze you who employed the teacher in the first. This further indicates the extent to which they love, respect and believe their teachers. Toddlers never stop telling you what their teachers say. Well ! This changes with time as they grow to understand things and their environment better.  Classroom Children are never the same as each child operate at different frequency considering the difference in their environments, upbringing and mental reasoning capacity.  Hence the need for the teacher  to understand each child and their way of assimilation. But in a bid to deal with this fact, some teachers t...