Welcome to Olabusola's Review and today's discourse is on :


 Children and their teachers have often enjoyed the best of relationships and this is very evident in the statement of toddlers. You must have heard them say to their parents." I will report you to my teacher" and it will amaze you who employed the teacher in the first. This further indicates the extent to which they love, respect and believe their teachers. Toddlers never stop telling you what their teachers say. Well ! This changes with time as they grow to understand things and their environment better. 

Classroom Children are never the same as each child operate at different frequency considering the difference in their environments, upbringing and mental reasoning capacity. 
Hence the need for the teacher to understand each child and their way of assimilation. But in a bid to deal with this fact, some teachers tend to react and if any of the pupils sees the reaction then it poses a threat for the relationship of both. 

This is where you find a case of a teacher picking on a particular child too often and this can breed hatred if care is not taken. Yes! some teachers can be difficult but before concluding get your facts right. Now discovering your child does not like is teacher is a situation that requires urgent attention so as not to loose your child's performance in that subject or the overall performance.

In dealing with this you may need to first,

Know your child   and please do not shut them up when they talk about their teacher or anyone else. Instead listen to them and correct wrong impressions without making them feel like they are the bad once.  Try to build blocks of possible reasons for  the dislike from your conversation. Remember you must be able to establish to your child that saying the truth always is important in life. More so you may also need to reemphasize to them that they are not permitted to hate anyone and that anything thing that possess a threat to them you can help deal with it.
Know your child's teacher and relate well with themIn resolving an issue of this nature, you need to know your child's teacher. You may need to visit the school other than the open day and if that is the only time then fine. But if you can, try and visit the school and have a discussion with the teacher on your child's general performance and performance in the the subject. Carefully take note of the response. Ensure to let the teacher know that you appreciate his effort and that your presence is to further aid the overall performance of your child.

 Ask your child's teacher reasons for any noticeable deficiencies and you can also suggest way further as well as ask the teacher her suggestion on the situation at hand.
After this discussion you may check back on the open day or class day out to see the progress of your last visit. If there is no positive progress with your child's response to you
 at home or in his books then you may need to call the School Head's attention to the matter. If nothing is done then you may need to change the school

Check yourself by not engaging in the following:
***Never discuss the weakness or challenges of your child's teacher in the presence of your child.

***Try not to compare his previous class teacher or home lesson teacher with his class or subject teacher in front of him, else you will have given your child a big room to analyse his teacher based on the given information.

*** Never resolve issues of his teachers's needs or plans to help his teacher to his earring.
*** Do not make your dislikes for his teacher be obvious to him. If your child finds you backbiting or insulting his teacher then he looses respect for such teacher.

*** Confronting or criticizing your child's teacher in his presence would make your child feel his teacher is not worthy of the task.

BAMBAM'S example
Bambam is a boy of 10 years old in Junior Secondary School (JSS2). He happened to give frequent complain about his Mathematics's teacher in school. However, Bambam has a lesson teacher who is outstanding in mathematics and Bambam's parent's were still tryin
g to make him like his teacher when his younger brother in JSS 1 of the same school said" Thank God, she is not even my class teacher if not..." How would you advise Bambam's parents? Two of the sons hate their mathematics teacher.

thank you from your loyal editor and Blogger, Olabusola Olorunnowo.


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