Many children grow up with the ownership mindset and this makes them seek for what the government and society will do for them rather than what should be their contribution to society. Many youths today find it had to be selfless or engage in volunteer service due to their childhood experience. The inability to volunteer or be committed to meeting the needs of others is the bane of corruption and social decadence.

The best time to start is now. Children need to be enlightened about the need to be less self-focused and more others-focused.

1. MAKE THEM RESPONSIBLE FOR OTHERS: Parent needs to consciously inculcate in children the need to look out for others. 

2.  INFUSE VOLUNTEERING IN THEIR VACATION A parent once told me how a visit to Modupe Cole changed the life of her teenage son, who had always believed that he was entitled to the many pleasant things he enjoyed.  Parents are often eager to send their children off to relative's places, summer coaching, Countryside tours for vacation. It is good but you may also plan a part of their vacation to visit Teenage correction centres, Orphanage homes, Old people's home and other less privileged homes. This would help reorientate them to be more considerate, appreciative of life and the provisions they get from their parents.

3. TEACH THEM HOW TO GIVE: It is normal for a child to be self- focused but parents need to help communicate the value of giving and sharing in their children. They need to be thought how to give their time, resources and ideas to the development of things around them. 

4) SEEK THE GOOD OF OTHERS; Seeking the good of others is the heart of kindness that is deficient in our society today. Many young adults are highly vengeful and unforgiving and this might just be a perception issue. However, when a child is trained on the values of seeking the good of others no matter who the origin or language of the benefi0, the world would be a better place.

5) THE ENORMOUS BENEFITS ARE ATTACHED: Quite a number of people have been able to discover their purpose through service to humanity, servicing others and volunteering. We need to tell our children that service to humanity is the best work of life. I was at a gathering a few weeks back and I learnt from a friend that he got his present job based on how he served with anti-HIV and AIDs groups while engaging in NYSC 10 years back. The benefit of volunteering is enormous and can never be overemphasised. 

We need to also lead by example, as parents we need to be part of NGO's Church or Mosque groups that serve. When your child knows your commitment to helping others, they will emulate you.

Thank you for your time on Olabusola's Review.


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