Why People Rape
No more is it what it should be
No more is it for pleasure
No more will it be fun
For when your fun aligns with cruelty
What joy nourish your ego
Murder in the cathedral called us out
I speak against them
Them that tear a heart open
And not just her skirt
When our boys are raised to be possessive
When vengeance flows like an ocean in them
When their veins long to subdue
Then they will catch fun in cruelty
I speak to the mothers
I beg you for tomorrow
I beg you for today
Glance at yesterday and make tomorrow
Raise sons with compassion and empathy
Raise them with values and morals
Raise them responsible with dignity
I speak to the fathers
What sought of model are you
Why sow seed and not mentor
Why model tomorrow's danger
Many a son are without model
Yet models of havoc they cherish
Nothing justifies rape
Not even nudity
Not even your anger or unforgiveness
Only a seared heart
Only a callous heart
And when you smell one
YOU, talk them out of their cave
And when you sense he is mean
Rub off your love on him that he may shrink off his rage to let go his cage
Olabusola. O
9th September, 2020
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