How To Raise a Responsible Last born


How To Raise a Responsible Last born 

Last borns are no doubt a peculiar set of children in the family, due to their positioning, the universe has made them the favorite and over-pampered of all children, and as a result, they tend to have their way easily. Are you in a dilemma of managing your lady born or you are bothered about how best to manage your last child then this article is excellent for you. 

To help the last child become independent and responsible, here are some effective strategies:

1. Encourage autonomy: Provide opportunities for the child to make decisions and take responsibility for age-appropriate tasks. Gradually increase their responsibilities over time to foster independence and self-reliance. Most times our last born's opinions are not considered at family meetings or when making casual or critical decisions. Most times, we feel. it does not matter simply because we assume they don't have much to say, but we are wrong. No matter how trivial the discussion, we need to request their views, as this would prepare their minds from toddler age that they are a critical part of the family. It will also help build their reasoning and make them great thinkers.

2. Set clear expectations: You will do well if you can communicate your expectations regarding responsibilities, chores, and behavior. Establish age-appropriate guidelines and discuss the reasons behind them to help the child understand the importance of being responsible. You need to start early by assigning chores to them. At 3 for instance, a last child understands your routines and how the home runs. You may start with what they are expected to do in the morning after waking up, where to. keep their shoes once they return home, what to do after meals, what to do before sleeping etc From age 3/4, they can understand routines, expectations, and consequences for their actions.

3. Teach problem-solving skills: Instead of solving problems for the child, encourage them to find solutions on their own. Many times, in other to save time, we don't allow our last child to work through their challenges. We are meant to guide them through the process of identifying the issue, brainstorming potential solutions, evaluating the pros and cons, and implementing the chosen solution.

4. Foster self-discipline: Help the child develop self-discipline and self-control by setting routines and structure. Teach them the value of delayed gratification and the importance of fulfilling responsibilities before engaging in leisure activities. This is crucial and we must start early.

5. Encourage accountability: Hold the child accountable for their actions and decisions. For instance, if they are going out, you should draw their attention to all the items in their bag or around them and request them to ensure they return all when coming back home. A child would naturally forget to keep his or her items but in a case where you have discussed the need for accountability, they would be more conscious. If they make a mistake, guide them through the process of reflecting on their actions, taking responsibility, and making amends or finding ways to rectify the situation. As simple as being mindful of their clothes, other people's items, etc. 

6. Model responsibility: Children learn by observing their parents and caregivers. It is not enough to say it, you need to act it out. Be a positive role model by demonstrating responsible behavior in your actions and decisions. Show them how to manage their time, organize tasks, and fulfill commitments. As parents, you both need to review your actions as models, effective modeling is when both partners are good models rather than when Daddy or Mummy seems to jump the rules, you will be shocked that your pretty little angel or smart son would be quick to say, "Daddy did the same thing a few days back". Lastborns are bold in calling offenders out because they hate to be scapegoats. Lol! 

7. Reward independence and responsibility: Offer praise and recognition when the child demonstrates responsible behavior or acts independently. As parents, we need to celebrate excellence loudly. Lastborns often feel less appreciated hence the reason some of them won't want to lift a finger to assist. Positive reinforcement can motivate and encourage them to continue being self-reliant and accountable.

8. Encourage problem-solving dialogue: Engage in open and supportive conversations with the child about their concerns, challenges, and goals. Help them brainstorm solutions while providing guidance and support along the way.

9. Teach financial literacy: I particularly feel this is highly essential for every child and highly essential for lastborns because they have extravagant tendencies. They love luxury. So introduce the concept of money management at an appropriate age. Let them know and understand how people work and earn money. Encourage saving, budgeting, and understanding the value of money. Involve them in age-appropriate financial decisions to promote responsibility and independence in this area.

10. Cultivate a growth mindset: Encourage the child to embrace challenges, learn from failures, and believe in their ability to grow and develop. A growth mindset fosters resilience, adaptability, and perseverance, which are essential traits for independence and responsibility.

Having done all these, you also need to pray for your last child, so she or he can grow to become an amiable young man or a beautiful and cultured lady.

Thank you for your time on Olabusola's Review. I am Olabusola Okrniyi nee Olorunnowo. Your profound and dedicated creative writer. I will be glad to read your comment. Have a beautiful week.

Remember, independence and responsibility are developed over time, so be patient and provide consistent support and guidance. Each child is unique, so adapt these strategies to suit their individual needs and developmental stage.


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