WHEN SHE IS NOT TALKING TO YOU I welcome you all to Tales by Olola, a blog where we discuss topical issues, share opinions and help one another to be re-positioned, in other to live a purposeful life. I am your loyal host, Olabusola Olorunnowo Yes Who Does She Confides In It is expedient to have a good or a growing relationship with your children, as this goes a long way to determine their lifestyle to large extent. One of the resultant effects of this action is that whenever, you are on the same page, it would seem like the whole world is intact . The focus of today's discourse is on parent- daughter relationship. How much of your girl child do you know. Have you taken time out to know her thoroughly like knowing her friends, her mentor, her desires, dreams, taste,likes and dislikes and much more. Having done a brief research on this subject, it so happens that some school of thought believe it is wrong to be your child's friend while the secon...