SALLY & TOM 3 A t night Tom could not sleep, after looking through his Mum’s Pictures and smiling with tears and tears rolling down his face, he got up and wrote an outstanding Proposal, a sponsorship letter and beautiful power point slides. He sent it via mail in his hotel room that midnight to Sally who seems to be also awake. She reviewed and gave a few pointers and corrections. Then soon agreed on a meeting. They met later that day and discussed at length about it. They decided to speak with the WHO Organisation team in Spain and they gave their promise after viewing the proposal to attend the awareness programme and also to support them with Cancer awareness booklets and a few more materials. I t was indeed a great time. Soon Sally realized how often she calls Martins and how he rarely worries about her, yet Tom never knew how to stop calling, texting and sending her emails daily. On this particular night, Sally called Martins and told her how she mi...