Today is that special day, when everyone talks about love.

You can imagine how it happens: from the old folks whose teeth are are barely complete to the toddlers who love everyone who is nice to them and have just made the Mum, Dad or a special friend, a Valentine's Day Card. It is such a great day yet it is often one of the most frustrating day for a few who feel the need for a young man or woman to fill the love vacuum in their hearts. The peril of Valentine's day, sometimes linger on into the mid of the year for some young people.

Ai Green sang ''Love is a beautiful thing'' yet our perception of how to show love can make it less beautiful. That being said, we need to also understand that, Valentines' Day is just a day out of the 365 days of love. Suffix to say, everyday is a day of LOVE. We need to express love daily and not just on Valentine's Day.

It is funny yet annoying when you find out that many young people in love are frustrated when their so called lover, is missing or 'busy' on a day like this. Some would even make trouble because the loved ones, lover or spouse refuses to reciprocate their expression of love on Valentines Day. In the same vein, some young men find it had to cope with the high price placed on Valentine's Day event. Love is not about how much is spent but the motive attached to the spending. Knowing and understanding the motive of your partner is crucial.



No one will love you better than you love yourself. There is need to first and foremost love yourself. If you do love yourself, you would not hurt yourself for your lover's ability to show love to you. If you love yourself then, you will be more mindful about other things within you that makes you happy. Let your life not be subsumed around your guy, your husband, your woman, babe or children. Let it be about you, your God, your vision and your joy. Your guy,babe, work, family should naturally come next to you. Be an intentional lover of YOU.


  • Refine and redefine yourself..
  • Cherish You.
  • Take yourself out and
  • Care about your health,
  • Care about your personality
  • Let your appearance be always welcoming. Remember the saying: Do not let your first appearance be your last appearance 
  • Just love yourself.

If you have a spouse or fiance or friend that are willing to hang out with you. Fine. Then it will be secondary. Loving yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself. ''Solder go solder come, Barracks remain'' is a slogan that equally apply to self love, you are the barracks, many visitors, friends, loved ones and foes will only admire and relate with you. Whatever happens (be it break up or a great relationship) You will always remain you. However, it is important to be cautious not to allow our past shape us. Rather make your past a strategy for a better tomorrow.


Secondly there is need to live a life of love with people. Invest your time in showing love and care for people around you. It is the best investment, you can give to humanity. Posterity will always reward you for helping ,the needy for instance. Help people who can not repay you. Make it an habit a smile on people's faces. When you invest your time as a volunteers to help the helpless, it will help you to appreciate who you are and what you have the more. This will also help to feel a sense of fulfillment.


The next is to work on your association. Move with people that will add to you. If your network is great then your net-worth will be awesome. Your output depends on people that influence you. If you only associate with people who talk of how influential their guy, man, woman Is, or who only complain of men as cheat, then it will be hard to love yourself.  I hate to hear ladies say, ''I cant do without him'' or a guy say ''I cant do without her''. If you know your worth then you will be able to do without someone who is not adding value to you. You need to associate with people that you love to emulate. Look for how to add value to people around you.


Thank you for visiting Olabusola's Review.


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