When Do I play
I welcome you all to Tales by Olola, a blog where we discuss topical issues, speak in poetry,share opinion and help one another to be re-positioned in other to live a purposeful life. Am your loyal host, Olabusola Olorunnowo.
With whom
And where
When I chose to play
I fear for the reasons
I shouldn’t play
But my mates give reasons
And my whole contest and contend
So half me seek pleasure
And the other caution and measure
So now I play and forgo my sorrow
Oh it clears my sorrow
With no thought for the morrow
And like wine
I feel like an eagle
On the highest height
Soon I see the valley
For the rapture has gone
And am me again
With worse nightmares of synergy
Questions upon questions
About our synergy
And about its viability
Then it no more for me
To see reasons
But now to reason
For me to gain the morrow
And never to end in sorrow

Like a stream it flows
Its seems so right
And pure, cool and bright
You get swept away
It’s a different world
You levitate all the way
Looks like its rapture
Singing with inner rhythm
And a dance that expresses
Unimaginable excitement
Oh love
You fall head over heels
In a way that you forget your head
And listen to your heart
Or maybe it’s the body that leads the heart....
Giving is an act with fewer words
A skill that breeds indelible marks
Leaving and losing the now
To sow a smile
Giving is sharing happiness
Giving is love
Giving is God
21] 06] 13]
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