Welcome to Tales by Olola. A blog where we learn on been better persons and I am your regular host Olabusola Olorunnowo. Today we are looking at why people look active but are inactive. In recent times we have seen people who seemed very fine and active yet they die in their sleep or slum. Several reasons are attached to this, but one of it is the inactive nature of the body, which exercise can help to avert.  Exercise more than anything else, help the heart function better.  Some benefit of exercise include:
It reverses the detrimental effects of stress.

It lifts depression.

It improves learning.

It builds self-esteem and improves body image.

It leaves you feeling euphoric.

It keeps the brain fit.

It may keep Alzheimer’s at bay : Hence making your nerves intact.


Physically inactive is expending less than 1.5 kcal/kg/day in leisure physical activities, according to the National Population Health Surveys of Canada.
It is simply the inability of an individual to spend about 80% of what he or she has consumed.  Some people may think that when they walk a long distance or engage in a physical activity, that they are active, it simply does not mean that they are active in as much as they have not been able to burn half of what they have consume.

The point is the long time spent seating on one spot at the office  or of acuumilating unwanted fats needs to be proper worked with the proper excercise kits. Meanwhile PLAYING is different from excercise.
Effects of Physical Inactivity on School Children
Physical inactivity is associated with various health risks for children, such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even lower psychological well-being. In addition to increased health risks, physical inactivity may have harmful effects on children’s cognitive function and academic achievement, according to the findings published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal. (

A study carried out by the National Academy of Sciences journal investigated whether children’s motor skills have an impact on their academic performance. The researchers measured a child’s motor skills by examining their engagement in physical activity, their body fat percentage, and fitness levels. The findings revealed compromised motor skills in childhood did indeed have a negative effect on academic achievement by the time children reached adolescence.

Children’s early motor function is related to the development of language acquisition, basic academic skills, and their academic trajectory. Physically active children maintained a higher grade-point average by the time they reached secondary school, compared to obese children who had a lower grade point average.Scientific evidence shows that physical inactivity can lead to a host of chronic, degenerative conditions and premature death. By remaining silent and inactive on this issue we are, in effect, shortening the productive, healthy lives of many of our own children.  Further, the health care costs associated with decreasing levels of physical activity will skyrocket into the billions of dollars as overweight and inactive children age. (Susan, 2001)

Physically inactive in children is particularly seen to be the lack of physical space. Homes have no backyards, and some don't even have streets, which are most often not much wider than a single meter. There are also no wide open spaces or parks in which children could perform physical activities. When comparing the PAC-C-measured physical inactivity of overweight/obese and non-overweight/obese children, eutrophic children are found to have higher levels of physical activity. However, since this is a prevalence study, we cannot be certain of how the cause and effect relationship between the two variables works here. Overweight and obese children might have greater difficulties for locomotion, practicing sports, and playing games which demand more vigorous physical activity.
The habit of watching television for over 3 hours a day was found among most children, without differences among those who were or weren't overweight/obese. Several studies have pointed at a direct relationship between number of hours spent watching television and obesity. Perhaps one of the roles watching television has on the rise of obesity that of stimulating food consumption through advertising, is stunted in this population due to low income. 

We should stress that television sets were more often found in households than refrigerators. For some authors, food intake alone does not justify the increase in obesity among low income populations. Some surveys have pointed out that children who suffer malnourishment early in life have higher risk of becoming overweight as adults, and they are at especially higher risk of developing visceral obesity. Such studies have pointed at these children's lower energy consumption, changes in the lipid oxidation mechanisms, and higher rates of growth, all compensatory, immediate and late mechanisms, when faced with nutritional problems


Caution needs to be taken early enough in other to avoid future health hazard. The advise is to create time for exercise family exercise: this should not be for the obsessed alone. Rather both the slim looking child and the chubby one. Exercise could help them balance the blood flow around the heart and do much more than you can imagine. Their exercise can be as little as running round the garden. With Dad and Mum involved makes it more fun.

I like to say thank you for reading. It is been an educative time on Ololaa's Tale with our Contributor for today:  Daniel Amuzie, A Professional Kinetic Instructor.  


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