You are welcome to Olabusola's Review. A Blog that focuses on sustaining healthy relationship in other to fulfill life's purpose. I am your loyal host, Olabusola Olorunnowo and today we are looking at Healthy Confrontation.
It is generally believed that when you do not deal with an uncomfortable situation or annoying friend or colleague , anticipated changes wont surface. However, how we deal with such situation and personalities goes a long way to determine future relationship. Some people in the process of resolving an issue unconsciously allows it to degenerate into a rift. It is therefore, impossible not to have offenders but have you the offended dealt with yourself first. Judging the offender due to the offence is very easy but better result is attained when we relate with the offender in a subtle manner and with an intention of understanding their motives as well how to avoid future occurrence. No one enjoys public show of shame hence you may need to play out the outcome in you mind. The article below would help you more.
'When Peter had come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face.' Galatians 2:11 NKJV
When Peter showed partiality to Jews over Gentiles, Paul confronted him over it! Why? To keep unity in the church. Sometimes you’ve no option but to confront someone. The question is, ‘How?’
None of us are born with the innate ability to do this; it’s a skill only learned through practice and patience. And the reason we’re not good at it, is because we avoid it like the plague. As a result, our relationships suffer and our problems don’t get resolved.
The first step in preparing for a confrontation is to establish the right purpose for putting the issue on the table. The focus should be on achieving a better relationship. This can either involve getting someone to stop doing something, or start doing something
At no time should your goal be to tell someone off, or get something off your chest, or lay a guilt trip on them. So it’s important that you first confront yourself. Be honest about why you’ve decided to confront the issue. Do you have an ulterior motive such as resentment or wounded pride, or do you want to see a genuine change in behaviour? You need to ask yourself, ‘When this confrontation is over, what behaviour do I want to see the offender change?’
Remember, in effective confrontation you are looking for a desired outcome and a win-win for both sides. ‘A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city.’ (Proverbs 18:19 KJV) If a person knows you truly care about them and are seeking to glorify God in the situation, you’re more apt to get the response you seek.
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