Welcome to Olabusola's Review.Today we are looking at how to carefully return your husband's attention from late night calls back to you.
Marriage is beautiful and every Marriage is unique in it's own way, with different challenges and experiences but one notable thing that can hold marriage together is trust. However, some women seem to complain about their hubby's late night calls especially when it is not a big deal to the men.

Every man has the right to his phone, to his life and privacy but once a man decides to say "Yes I Do" then this right is compromised with his wife. Even when you say, there is no big deal to the calls or chats, you may need to respect your wife by equally respecting her space. Now let us establish the following facts:
- Who is the caller
- Why is she or he calling
- Is the timing right
- Would I be comfortable if my spouse doing same
- Do I feel more comfortable answering this calls in my wife's presence
Having judiciously answered this question then lets us weight some of the possibilities:
You might feel more comfortable relating with this person or it might be the other way and in that case, responding to the call or chats or mails at this time of the night would only indicate that the person whom you are chatting or calling is of more value than the one you are with (Your spouse). Your motive towards the person might be free but have you checked the person's motive towards you.

For more on this:
Men! Please take note, that there are so many unmarried, married, divorced, separated,or single ladies out there who just need a shoulder to lean on and from then on your wife would no longer matter to you. It is not your fault that they are in pains, single, in the cold or battered but it would be your fault if you think you can help handle their problems alone.
To the Women
- Your nagging would never stop the calls rather it would lead him on and equally lead you to depression, frustration, irrational behaviours and at the end loosing your husband.
- Be observant and do a clean research. Men are too smart to expose their own secret almost immediately they start seeing another woman. Get your facts rights...
- Never allow third party to tell you stories about your husband rather develop your story yourself by been sensitive. Always give him benefit of doubts and that would help you in cases where your facts are wrong.
- Report every suspicion to God. Go on your kneels and pray before confronting him. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and power... For our weapon of warfare is not carnal. If you are fighting your husband because you sense he is seeing someone else then you wont win. Wrestle on your kneels. I have given you authority to tramples upon snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemies... Claim back your husband on your prayer altar.
- Discuss your fears with your hubby rather than confront him. Holding conversations would help resolve this an many other issues rather than going to confront him or the person in question. What if he is having an affair with a man or his relative. Women need to be more careful about how they fight their battles.
- Study his object of distraction and enter into that character and no mountain would be able to stand before your Zerubabbel. It is possible his object of distraction shows him more respect, then you can give him more.
- Take it to another level by making your body more attractive to him. Some women are always roaming about in uniform. If their husband is asked to guess what his wife is wearing when he gets home he would guess right. Please ladies change your under wears wardrobe to a more enticing one. Instead of fighting with your husband try to research on how to make him stay at home. Give the ladies out there headache by flirting with your man. One day he would say " This my wife self, see i am not going else where". For More on this SEE:
Mrs Olugboji- Counselor
TRUST deletes suspicion.
FAITH deletes fear or doubt.PRAYING together opens ALL door.
LOVE conquers multitude of sin.
Stopping or changing this attitude is NOT the issue but how couples focus on improving their RELATIONSHIP and BUILD their Home to fulfill GOD's Purpose. Late calls or chats may be urgent business/official info/Task. If unattended to may lead to delay. In fact ALL marital issues should be based on Trust,Love,Patience, communication e.t.c However, night communication should be reduced to the nearest minimum to have enough REST for healthy living. Thanks
First of all, what is the late night calls conversations all about and with who? If this is not clearly stated out,that means there is a betrayal of trust in this kind of relationship. And trust been one of the core values in building a successful marital life should not be handled with levity. That been said, both parties need to have an heart to heart conversation with each other in order to have an head way.
Besides that, I feel they must have been a tale signs of this act while both parties are dating themselves believing that he or she will change when marriage comes in,which is indirectly not possible except by prayer and divine intervention.
For those going through this issue, my advice will be to put-on the virtue of the fruit of the spirit found in Galatians 5 vs 22-23. and most importantly stoke him or her with plenty of love and prayers on your knees. And also find out if peradventure you stopped some interesting things you do to him or her that someone else is giving out they. #it is well with your home,in Jesus name(Amen).
Besides that, I feel they must have been a tale signs of this act while both parties are dating themselves believing that he or she will change when marriage comes in,which is indirectly not possible except by prayer and divine intervention.
For those going through this issue, my advice will be to put-on the virtue of the fruit of the spirit found in Galatians 5 vs 22-23. and most importantly stoke him or her with plenty of love and prayers on your knees. And also find out if peradventure you stopped some interesting things you do to him or her that someone else is giving out they. #it is well with your home,in Jesus name(Amen).
Even as ancient as I might sound, I believe people should work on their marriage. We read further to attain a degree then why not in marriage but this requires both parties in having the help of a greater force.
Mr Jide Ibrahim:
You have perceived and concluded that your husband is in an intimate relationship with the opposite sex.He might be in a relationship with the opposite sex which may not be intimate and you wont say something is wrong with that.So the first line of action is not to determine who the lady is but what the lady wants and what your hubby is willing to give. If he wants intimacy with her, you would only know by luck, suspicion or error. If you know, your knowledge does not stop him, it only makes him smarter. 2 days of night calls, be smart create and activity for that period. Lets see if he will choose you or her. If he chooses her, then you have to ask who and what is it that is stealing him away from you.
At that point your concern is not that person but your fair share of his time. Mind you, your time is limitless, except for work, his kith and kin.
Outside that you can lord his time. If he now avoids you, by turning up late, or forming busy,then it is time to have a conversation. But ensure you set the mood, by upping your game. Be gentle, be subtle. Be matured, be civil. Engage him romantically and physically.Take him out for dinner and much more.
Captain Charles
Probably her husband has not finally let go off his old friends. It also might mean she has no root in her husband's life yet. She needs to win that love in him. In other words the man is getting more from his old friends compared to her. Some men might have entered into marriage for the wrongs reasons. Both of them should check themselves.
However, on the her noticing that the husband is harbouring secretive calls, a gentle call to her husband, would do. She should talk to him like her lord indeed, may be after a wonderful dinner or outing that she noticed him talking to someone with much fantasies and that she just wants to know who the person Is.From there she can gradually take it up.
Anonymous 2
They should pray about it. She should discuss the issue with her husband and make sure to engage him at that particular time. Also tell the Holy Spirit to equally engage him at that time.
They need to pray. Wives need to pray more seriously. I would advice all women to watch the movie: War Room. You both can then talk after watching it. By then you will see their marriage in a different light.
Anonymous 1
They should not discuss this with him because it will aggravate issues. Instead they do more positive things that they don't do before and PRAY more.
Captain Charles
Probably her husband has not finally let go off his old friends. It also might mean she has no root in her husband's life yet. She needs to win that love in him. In other words the man is getting more from his old friends compared to her. Some men might have entered into marriage for the wrongs reasons. Both of them should check themselves.
However, on the her noticing that the husband is harbouring secretive calls, a gentle call to her husband, would do. She should talk to him like her lord indeed, may be after a wonderful dinner or outing that she noticed him talking to someone with much fantasies and that she just wants to know who the person Is.From there she can gradually take it up.
Anonymous 2
They should pray about it. She should discuss the issue with her husband and make sure to engage him at that particular time. Also tell the Holy Spirit to equally engage him at that time.
They need to pray. Wives need to pray more seriously. I would advice all women to watch the movie: War Room. You both can then talk after watching it. By then you will see their marriage in a different light.
Thank you all for sharing your sincere opinions.
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