Welcome to Olabusola's Review. A blog where we discuss critical issues and how to resolve them. I remain your loyal host Olabusola Olorunnowo.
Omoniyi. Teacher.
I can not just go and see her Pastor like that. I may need to think about the whole thing very well.My response to her would be, give me some time and i would use that period to reconsider my intention and decision.
Duke Economist
I will say I don't want to see no pastor because my relationship is not his business. If that is the basis for love and it has only been 1 year. I will say make she carry her love go meet her pastor. For your information I don't take any woman to see pastor or my father self and the girls I took to see my mother, i never married. I do my things on my own. My decision..
I will go see the pastor and hear him out.
Tell him the truth. .. we are dating ...which might lead to courtship or not depending on things.
Victor A
I will tell her I will let you know the time i would be available later. But I will also remind her that I am not ready to settle down now. You know one need to be materially ready,Financially & etc ready.
T.A Health worker
See me for what?
Am not interested in your pastor but you.
And I haven't proposed, so why am I seeing your pastor. Am baffled that you haven't talked about seeing your Dad, but you are serious about me seeing your pastor. Are you assuring me now that if I see your pastor and he said yes and later see your Dad and he said no, you will ignore what he says and follow what your pastor said... Anyway only God knows the future.
Fuad J. Bank Secretary,
I will go now.
Since you guyz have been dating.. So if u really need her.. Follow her there and hear the pastor out first.
Captain Charles
I believe it's time to take the relationship of one year to next level. As for me... I'll go see pastor . Probably, discuss man to man talk and seek counsel. Thanks.
S Designer
Is she's someone I love, I will go but if she is not. Then i am not going anywhere.
Gifted5 Kunle
I will visit the Pastor and I will tell him my mind.
I will go and see him. It is even an opportunity to make my mind known if the relationship was meant to go that way oooo. I will make it known. I will tell the pastor I have been planning to come self. I will only refuse if I don't have plans for her before. And why should I keep a lady I don't want to marry over a year. My relationships do not exceed 6 months Or 5 months. If it is not working I pray it out Why should waste my emotions on a relationship that won't work or lead to marriage.
I will ask her to give me the full gist. What did she tell her Pastor about me and a bit about her Pastor. Just to help me plan myself. The truth is, all these would only accelerate our plans or make us re-strategize.
Yes I would like to meet with your Pastor. But please babe not now.
You are entitled to your views and am grateful for the views.
However, I remember that there is this old adage that what you do not intend to eat, do not carry close to your nose to smell it. I also understand that some ladies enjoy doing the wifely duties hence the young man does not see the need to take permission before accessing anything. Ladies: there is need for delayed gratification else you will keep telling the same sad story.
In the first place so many reasons are due to these. Some young men would lead some babes on with no intention of marriage while some ladies would want to stay in a relationship even when they can see it has no future. If it is not working don't force it by staying in a relationship with yourself.
Getting married does not require having all the money rather it requires having a vision for it. Why do you really want to settle down... if it is because of sex you will get tired, if it because of beauty you will be amazed after some years at the changes etc.
There is always a need to evaluate and reevaluate your relationship. What is your goal in life, can she help you fulfill your purpose or can he, then you know whether to continue with her or him.
Thank you all, for sharing your views.
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