You are most welcome to Olabusola's Review.

It will interest you to read our first case study for this discourse:
Telema and Jowoke met through a friend and became close friends. They were book lovers and as result they took time out walking long distance while they discuss different books and subjects. They soon fell in love and started dating. It so happened that they had so many things in common although Telema came to the University environment to study a diploma in a medical related course while Jowoke was in 3rd year in school. Jowoke soon had accommodation issues and Telema was so helpful to accommodate her in his one-room, off campus apartment.
Jowoko would go to classes, tutorial and attend minor classes yet she would return home to cook for the two. Weekends, when other students hang out or relax, she is busy doing house chores, cooking for the weekend, cleaning , doing laundering and the other needed house chores. Meanwhile Telema would most times go to the viewing center to watch football match. They both enjoyed the relationship, as both of them at times take turns to do the house chores.
Soon one thing led to the other: their kiss and fore play led to sex. Jowoke lost her most treasured possession, which she had earlier promised to keep till her wedding night. This gave her a lot of worry and she vowed never to have sex again until yet another and another then she became use to love making. Telema would sweet talk her out of her worries till it became a way of life. Their relationship almost came to a halt when she got pregnant and didn't know until her 2nd month. She became shattered
and almost committed suicide but for God and Telema's promise to marry her and always be by her. Telema searched for a reputable Hospital and the evacuation was done.
She was still undergoing the healing process, when she was rushed to the hospital due to incomplete evacuation, less than two weeks. She was on bed rest for a while before her discharge and Telema was there to comfort her. Months after, she became hale and healthy.
In a bid to make Jowoke comfortable, Telema brought her to Lagos to meet his Mum and siblings, this took the relationship to a different level as Jowoke believe Telema would take things more serious by planning a formal introduction. At Telema's home, Jowoke was well received. Both of them were allowed to stay in Telema's room till they both returned to school. Unlike Jowoke's house where her parent's were strict on opposite sex relationship. She wouldn't dare take him home else the earth would give way... They soon resumed school and foreplay also resumed, as they both agreed to stay away from sex but their agreement was short lived as Jowoke got pregnant few weeks before her final exams the only option was to abort it in other not to have an extra year. More so Telema continuously appealed to Jowoke that he was not prepared for the pregnancy, considering his career and financial instability.
Around this period, Jowoke had lost her relationship with God, her family and friends. Her closet friend was Telema and he was the only one person that she could relate with so she went in for another evacuation and this time there was no complications. She recovered quickly, wrote her final exams and returned home for her holiday.
At home she manage to pretend all was well till the vacation ended.
On her return she discovered some truth about Telema's Medical School that it was all a lie.
Telema begged for her forgiveness. She got devastated but still kept the relationship as Telema told her he was now processing his Admission else where. Telema had a good idea of Forex business and that was what they both lived on. Even though he never bought her expensive gifts or cloths, they both hoped for a better future together. She had reasons to break away from the relationship but didn't due to her history of abortions for him. Now she had graduated from school yet was still in the relationship because she believed in her union with Telema, their love life, their vows and above all she felt she was not good enough for her another man. She really felt she was stuck to him until she heard an altar call from a crusade behind his house and she ran there to accept Jesus Christ.
After accepting Jesus Christ, she was advised to move out of Telema's apartment even though he threaten to commit suicide if she broke up with him. She left him and later found joy. It was a two years relationship that was immersed in sin. She suddenly realized, after securing another accommodation, that there is no way anyone can consistently have pre-marital sex or be a live-in couple and have a stable relationship with GOD.
thank you for your time.
In my view the live-in couples lifestyle can possibly end up in marriage and might also end up wasting the life and destiny of either of the two if care is not taken. Our second case study is different (LIVE-IN COUPLE (Part 2). To thread on the path of caution is often better. My advise will be:
- Live differently so he can respect you.
- Don't give him all a wife should offer her husband so he can commit himself.
- Don't let your relationship with your boo take God and family out of you else you will be empty.
- Secretive relationships often lead to disaster.
- Above all commit your relationship to God
- Have mentors and relate with them about your relatioship
Till our next post stay close to God and purpose-filled.
Thank you for visiting Olabusola's review and i remain your loyal writer and blogger, Olabusola Olorunnowo.
Bye for now.
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