LIVE-IN COUPLE Part 3: Different Experiences and views ↓↓↓↓↓
LIVE-IN COUPLE Part 3: Different Experiences and views ↓↓↓↓↓
You are most welcome to Olabusola's Review. Today we are reviewing the part 3 of Live- in Couple. These series has been quite exciting and educative for me.
Today ushers us into the much awaited segment, where we view different opinions on the, on going subject of discourse. Here are some views and brief experiences that will further broaden our horizon about the path to toll, when the temptation of cohabiting comes up Or when you need to advice someone in this shoe.
Today ushers us into the much awaited segment, where we view different opinions on the, on going subject of discourse. Here are some views and brief experiences that will further broaden our horizon about the path to toll, when the temptation of cohabiting comes up Or when you need to advice someone in this shoe.
Mr Olaoluwa Akinola⇘✋✋👀
Now to this subject, my view on why a woman should not leave with a man she is not married to, is as follow:
Firstly, it's not biblical, so that makes it entirely wrong.
Secondly, to the people who don't have the Christian faith with us, the lady is at great disadvantage from several point of view and these may include one or all of the following;
- After sleeping with him and acting the wife, he can decide not to marry you.
- From the legal point of view, if he decides to have other girlfriends while you live with him, you have no legal standing to claim infidelity.
- You could get pregnant and he could reject the pregnancy or ask you to abort and if you don't, he might decide not to be responsible for the child.
- Love is never enough guarantee that he will take you to the alter
- While playing the wife, you could contact sexually transmitted diseases.... The disadvantage is not limited to these points as the points are inexhaustible.
In conclusion, a lady should leave some mystery to imagination till they are married to a man, otherwise a man is wired to be inquisitive and adventurous and once they experience the unimaginable with you they move on to the next skirt.
T.T Lawyer 💖👫
It is no news that these lifestyle is commonly found among-st students. From reading/ Library partners to all sought. So many reasons are associated with this decision. However, I don't want to dwell on that.
I am married today and i can tell you i lived with my guy before he became my husband. I am not telling you it is a good idea but i will not denial doing such. It all started like it was going be for a weekend, then gradually my wears were increasing at his place.
He would also buy me wears, if i came in briefly and had no change of clothes. Soon we started staying together and after a while, when i saw i was not getting him to make up his mind i spoke with a friend who advised me to denial him of the benefits he was enjoying, which i did. One weekend i would surprise him and stock his fridge then leave without returning. He would ask if he had offended me then beg and beg then we would reconcile on the note that if he was not ready for me, let me go. It wasn't easy depriving myself of his company since i was already used to him but playing the wifely duty had to stop for him to know he couldn't eat his cake and yet have it.
I am married today and i can tell you i lived with my guy before he became my husband. I am not telling you it is a good idea but i will not denial doing such. It all started like it was going be for a weekend, then gradually my wears were increasing at his place.
He would also buy me wears, if i came in briefly and had no change of clothes. Soon we started staying together and after a while, when i saw i was not getting him to make up his mind i spoke with a friend who advised me to denial him of the benefits he was enjoying, which i did. One weekend i would surprise him and stock his fridge then leave without returning. He would ask if he had offended me then beg and beg then we would reconcile on the note that if he was not ready for me, let me go. It wasn't easy depriving myself of his company since i was already used to him but playing the wifely duty had to stop for him to know he couldn't eat his cake and yet have it.
Madam P.A
How about...why pay for it when it already comes for free.... As a lady you become ''ekaete'' cleaning cooking, washing... etc
When people have is easier to throw the relationship in the bin when they are just live-in lovers. But when married there is a psychological commitment to try and work it out, in order not to let it all go to waste. A man who loves you will do it right by you. Not just because he is compelled to do so but because our society...your parents... expect it, rather he will do it for you. Even if it is to take a jog to the registry and come back to eat "mama put" as wedding food.
The Respect and Commitment is very important. Another crucial reason is that, It is really cultural and religious. Aside really doesn't matter, If you decide to play house with a man. This lifestyle is kind of cool this days.
Unfortunately a man will play house with you under the guise of i am not ready for marriage, twelve (12 )years later, after Ekaete has risen in you...he meets a girl who refuses to bow and takes her down the aisle....and doesn't even have the guts to break it off with you. You even cooked him the breakfast he ate to the church wedding (unknown to you). This is a true story of a woman i know...
The Respect and Commitment is very important. Another crucial reason is that, It is really cultural and religious. Aside really doesn't matter, If you decide to play house with a man. This lifestyle is kind of cool this days.
Unfortunately a man will play house with you under the guise of i am not ready for marriage, twelve (12 )years later, after Ekaete has risen in you...he meets a girl who refuses to bow and takes her down the aisle....and doesn't even have the guts to break it off with you. You even cooked him the breakfast he ate to the church wedding (unknown to you). This is a true story of a woman i know...
Mr Kawee 💣
Reasons why a lady should not live with a man she is not marry to.
When a lady start living with a man she is not marry to,there is tendency that the man will take advantage of her(by having sex or knowing her attitude In bed). The value of the lady depreciates before that man's face.
It becomes very hard to know his real attitude until marriage set In.Soon the man becomes tired of the relationship quickly because you did not give him that space to even missed you...
It becomes very hard to know his real attitude until marriage set In.Soon the man becomes tired of the relationship quickly because you did not give him that space to even missed you...
He wont address you as wife before his friends or as his fiancee ;what that man is saying to you is you will soon go, am tired because you just a girlfriend.
It might bring about building trust as an advantage but that is not garanteed.
Living with a man you are not married to will give room for abuse in the relationship; deception : prejudice etc. Living with a man doesn't mean it will still lead to marriage. Mind you, whatever sacrifice you pay a man that you are not married to, might be a waste. Where as a another lady who is not living with him can become his jewel at last. Men generally love freedom.
Living with a man you are not married to will give room for abuse in the relationship; deception : prejudice etc. Living with a man doesn't mean it will still lead to marriage. Mind you, whatever sacrifice you pay a man that you are not married to, might be a waste. Where as a another lady who is not living with him can become his jewel at last. Men generally love freedom.
Yes! The relationship might seem like a small marriage but wisdom needs to be applied.
-What is beautiful in a lady that we have been sleeping together for six (6) years before marriage? It will only show her weakness and that of the man as well.
The man would easily see more reasons why she is not good for marriage.
The man would easily see more reasons why she is not good for marriage.
Melline. N, Entrepeuneur 💑

As a lady you visit him and leave a few of your things there. Then he is not sure of your next visit. You just may move in and stay with him for one or two weeks then you leave,then give him some time again, then you go over there.
I have seen a situation where my girlfriend's guy told her he was travelling then he went ahead and invited another babe.
I feel the essence of you living with him at some points might help sustain your place in his heart and to also put some fear and senses into his head.
Sir Isaac 👩👂👀
Looking at it from the biblical point of view; according to Hebrew13:4 "Marriage is honourable without the bed being defiled".
Now come to think of it, if a lady is staying/living with a man she's not married.
Now come to think of it, if a lady is staying/living with a man she's not married.
- There is no how the two will not be sleeping together which might result in unwanted pregnancy.
- Every lady is endowed and what is covered is respected/honoured and the moment it is given out freely, respect gone and the honour rubbished.
- One of the basics of marriage is Trust: however, when the duo start living together unmarried the level of trust wane off or is eroded
- The value placed on lady is high when the nudity is not given out cheaply to the man you're not married to.
Love is priceless and grows when you're married not when single, because love at first sight is nothing but infatuation. A lot of guys out there go after ladies just to go down " the journey" and thereafter they discard but when you keep yourself like an Emerald, you become sought after.
Remi H.💋💬
Truth be told, all religious belief frown at this act. Besides the lady is mostly the one at the loosing end. However, i have seen homes where both were celibates before wedding and on the wedding night you will find out the guy is impotent.
Then he starts begging and saying we can work it out... "work till death do us part out... "In what way and how?
Then he starts begging and saying we can work it out... "work till death do us part out... "In what way and how?
Another instance is all these cases of Gay, Bi, transgender and the likes... let me see who am going to forever be with. If i stay away. it is good but if i stay close it is better, only that as a lady one also need to be smart and very cautious. You don't allow him to have his way all the time. The world is wicked and so one has to be wise.
Oreva 👰
It is morally, spiritually wrong for a lady to cohabit with a guy.
Mr A.💖👩👂
Cohabiting as it's called in the US isn't something good that should be encouraged.
Aside the fact that It's wrong to indulge in such as a Christian, It is morally/socially wrong also.Some straight personal reasons are :
Aside the fact that It's wrong to indulge in such as a Christian, It is morally/socially wrong also.Some straight personal reasons are :
- It leads to complacency on both sides as none of the two would feel the pressing need to formalize It.
- It gives either party whose motive isn't pure that there is an open door. When any of them feel burdened, they take a walk. No extended strings attached. Family members privy to such union will take them both as not being serious. Ditto for the Community members.
- It gives room for multiple abortions, as there's high tendency that the two wouldn't want a third party yet. More so there's abuse of individual sexual rights and privileges.
- The two involved have a high risk of not being loyal due to unclear terms of Cohabiting. Hence, unfaithfulness and by extension, exposure to STDs and much more.

Cohabitation is wrong, no matter the reasons attached. I did it. Even though am married to some else who loves and cherishes me more, i still regret what led me to think that particular guy would change or make up his mind. Some guys can be dubious.
You are the apple of his eyes today and tomorrow he just takes another babe who he knew in less than few months to his parents and the next thing is that he start complaining of how you left his boxer outside on the line or how you burnt beans or didn't greet his friends.
You who knew his all and all would now become a novices... some will use the tool of silence to send you packing. They wont even touch you again. When he has seen everything and his tired. God help you if all the goodness in your body hasn't gone sour.
Most Men can act like babies when they need you but once there is a better option. Permit me to say you are a "gunner"... OYO... Nobody will teach you before you go and report yourself to God to show you mercy and to fix your life.
You are the apple of his eyes today and tomorrow he just takes another babe who he knew in less than few months to his parents and the next thing is that he start complaining of how you left his boxer outside on the line or how you burnt beans or didn't greet his friends.
You who knew his all and all would now become a novices... some will use the tool of silence to send you packing. They wont even touch you again. When he has seen everything and his tired. God help you if all the goodness in your body hasn't gone sour.
Most Men can act like babies when they need you but once there is a better option. Permit me to say you are a "gunner"... OYO... Nobody will teach you before you go and report yourself to God to show you mercy and to fix your life.
💞It has been a great time on Olabusola's Review. I have equally learnt alot and this is where i will end this discussion on Live-in couple. We have seen the the hazard and the little "benefit" it has. However, the little pleasurable benefit is equally attached to more regrets than benefits as it were. Being chaste is more honourable than to be used as a sample. Men often value what they sweat for. If it comes easy they take advantage of it and loose it with the hope that another will always come their way.
In the same vein, i equally understand that some ladies are the one harboring the young man who has promised to marry them and I will say the same advice is applicable to this. The young lady involved would loose her dignity, integrity and the joy of been single. The man will make you assume the role of a wife so quick and at your own expense.
In the same vein, i equally understand that some ladies are the one harboring the young man who has promised to marry them and I will say the same advice is applicable to this. The young lady involved would loose her dignity, integrity and the joy of been single. The man will make you assume the role of a wife so quick and at your own expense.
Thank you for visiting Olabusola's review and i remain your loyal writer and blogger, Olabusola Olorunnowo.
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