It is another edition of Live-in couple, as the last edition welcomed a lot of commendations hence the need to go on with another captivating story inline with the subject of discourse. I therefore welcome you to Olabusola's Review.
It will amaze you that that the reasons that emancipated some ladies from their wrong relationship is the same reason that has ensnared some others.
Aliyah would go more than a thousand miles for a fair looking young man, as she had always loved men who are fair in complexion and when she met Chidi, her heart skipped for the love of the appearance and left out the personality screening even afterwards.

Their love for each other grew day by the day. Aliyah would wake up and cook for James in the morning and arrange for his freshening up, after which she would prepare to go to her shop once Chidi at left for work. In the evening, Chidi would pass through the street where Aliyah's shop is situated to pick the keys to the house and Aliyah would wait to close then return home to do the wifely duties.
Soon Chidi and Aliyah found a near by church and would go together like a couple that they had become. He would provide the necessary things needed in the house and give Aliyah some little stipends to take care of the cooking and washing. While his sexual demands was daily. Soon Chidi started expecting Aliyah to close the shop almost immediately he arrives to pick the keys. His reasons were that Aliyah was closing late so she can be associating with other night crawlers especially guys and whenever Aliyah argues about this with him, in a bid to prove her innocence he would hit her and ensure he leave a mark on her body.
All these continued to the point that the neighbors could not mediate in their fights as Chidi would lock the door and beat her till she is breathless. Then days that follow would be for malice and then gifts and plea and nurturing then he would ask her to go collect her wedding list that he really wanted to marry her and would like to see her people. He would always change in behaviour and repent after battering her but a few days later the Lion in him would return with more rage while Aliyah's love for him increased and when neighbors speak ill of him she would pity him that if she leaves him, who will take care of him. Aliyah had turn herself into a caring Mother, Wife and lover of Chidi. Mean while, Chidi was indifferent.
Aliya soon got tired of the routine:she was tired of the several intake of contraceptives, the countless abortions, the beatings and the failed promises so she told him she would like to go see her sister, who lives somewhere in Lagos.
Her visit was for a few days and the sister was very happy to see her but complained about the marks on her body and Aliyah lied to her sister that she has a co-trainee in her shop who often wrestle with her at the slightest provocation. The sister advised her to report to her boss or rather look for another shop to avoid more troubles. Her stay was not long and after wards she returned to her fair lover Chidi. Her plan was to raise some money to secure accommodation and then move out. Her sister had promised her some money.
On her return Chidi was very happy to have her back. He really behaved like a baby whose mum was away and had just returned from a long journey. He welcomed her well and was all over her. After she rested for few minutes and unpacked her bags, they returned to their sexual routine and slept off.
But the sleep was not long as Aliyah woke up to see Chidi pulling her hand off the bedsheet. She was still in deep sleep and did not want to struggle with him so as not to have her head hit on the wall, as usual. With her sleep filled eyes, she looked and saw Chidi had a sharp blade in his hand and he was really muttering some words about her leaving him. This was not the first time he would threaten her not to leave him but this time was different.
Chidi had successfully cut a part of his own thump and now as he held Aliyah's hand he said " I don't trust you anymore, since we have both agreed to be together let us do this. No one leave each other. If you leave me you will die or run mad". Then he cut the thump and both of them interchangeably sucked each other's blood and then they went to bed. Since the Oath, the routine has continued and if she refused to attend to any of his needs especially his sexual needs he would accuse her of infidelity,beats her up and still have his way. Rape you might want to call it but she has become used to this assault.
Aliyah's eyes is now open. She is a shadow of herself . She regrets ever living with him unfortunately she has now lost her love for Chidi but afraid to leave him because of the consequence of the Oath they took in August, 2016. She has no friend as Chidi claims all her friends are bad influence on her. She is in a dilemma.
I write about Chidi and Aliyah not because my pen flows with ink but because I need ladies to learn about the hazard of cohabiting with a man you are not married to. Most times families are not aware about this arrangement. Your living with him will never accelerate the process of him marrying you. It would rather make you loose other opportunities in life. Besides other admirers would think you are taken unknown to them you have only been borrowed.
To every young lady reading this article who is going through a similar challenge, I say please do not let any man turn you to a second hand item and no matter how bad it is there is hope for you. You can still come out of it. There is no covenant that the blood of Jesus can not break. Just make a decision to leave him...leave him... sneak out and never return...You can always start again.
Part 3 on this subject...
Part 3 on this subject...
Thank you for visiting Olabusola's Review and i remain your loyal writer and blogger, Olabusola Olorunnowo.
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