A crush is simply regarded as someone you are attracted to or who is attracted to you. There is need to note, that not all crush leads to a promising relationship. Some crush build up likeness which may only stop at the level of friendship, as the persons involved may not be bold enough to confront their fears and speak up until the lady is taken by another. Most times, these young men are either too afraid to speak because of your intelligence, your attitude, your charisma, the impression or information they have about you, inferiority or superiority complex. Many people take the first smile that is reciprocated by an admirer, as a nudge to proceed, meanwhile this nudge might be met with a odd stare hence making the young man have a re-strategise or give up. Now dealing with your crush,does not have a straight Jacket answer. This is due to the fact that, one may need to understand why you need to deal with your crush. It is most commonly seen that a young man or lady i...