I welcome you to Olabusola's Review and I am reviewing today's topic with two stories which i hope will help you find a way around your child's excessive behaviour.
Children are heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb are his reward but you wonder why some children have consistently brought shame to their folks.
It will amaze you that it all starts from cradle.
All things bright and beautiful, all creature great and small, all things bright and wonderful, the lord God made them so. My question is? who made them whore, who made them rude and hostile, who made them Looters and fraudsters, Proud and insolent, who made them Touts, kidnappers and hired Assassins... the answers we would find in our complacency as they are groomed from their toddler age to their teenage years.
Chief Mrs Philo: A case in point.
A pretty and hardworking lady of great pedigree, Chief Mrs Philo Is. She is hails from the eastern part of Nigeria and is married to a handsome Yoruba man. They both have three children. A boy and two girls. All children are now in the University. Chief Mrs Philo and her husband have always provided their children with everything money, fame , class and good parenting had to offer. The three children went to the best of schools, wore the best quality of wears and had great privilege of international tours during holidays. They are good Christians. The husband's job was so great that he made Chief Mrs Philo decline job offers so she could take care of the home. In other not to be idle she maintains about (5) five shops within the highly browsed area of Lagos state.
She soon realized that her first son and only son had a lifestyle that was at first amusing then later it became irritating to her due to her sensitivity. Bright would say "I am the first and only son of the house, so you all have to take care of me" this he had always said and would even use this slogan when items are to be shared. In the kitchen, Bright would use his slogan to take the fattest meat and the best of everything at the expense of the parents and sisters.
The mother now sees that her first son and only son is fast becoming highly materialistic so she would try to talk to him but he would not see any point in it. She did not want to bore her husband with her observation, as he might just ask that, "his he not the only and first son?"
Chief Mrs Philo soon clocked 40 years and as the family planned a big 40th birthday she said she need no regular society party. Rather, she said, her wish is to visit a motherless baby home with her family and they granted her wishes. On this day everyone was well dressed and they had bought several gifts and edibles to give to the home. That day marked a different turn in the life of Chief Mrs Philo, as she and her family took an empathetic tour round the wards. Soon she discovered her son was downcast and she watched his gaze and traced it to the bed of a certain young man who was equally 40 but all his life he had never got up from the sick bed. He answered the natures call for forty years on that one bed. He had no certificate or any luxury trip, he had no high class friends or parties, no privacy and no life outside the home.
As Bright stared at this young man with tears dripping down his face, Chief Mrs Philo used the medium to talk to her son about life and privileges that fate differently make available to people.
That experience gave Bright a change of mindset, that the family possession and wealth are neither his birthright or his possession but that they only come his way as a privilege.
Chief Mrs Philo today sees the visit to the motherless baby home as the turning point in the life of Bright. According to her, he is now sober and with a selfless personality.
Many children grow up with the possessive and greedy mindset and we say don't worry he is only a child. Soon as they grow up, acquisition of wealth to sustain their class becomes their aim and if care is not taken, they loose their integrity and the name their parents have earned over time. They human want is insatiable and striving to fit in to the society has been the bane of many. Hence there is need to check your child's ability to endure, and what they take pleasure or pride it.
Gone are the days when parents force their way on children, now you need to be sensitive and gradually guide your child through that mistake with little condemnation but more of enlightenment and resolutions.
My second story happened in March 2017, when I visited Shagamu Prison, Ogun State , with a particular team, I work with.

Children build up willful mindsets as they grow up but as parents and as guardians necessity is laid on us to look for different avenues to curb this children from becoming bad examples. I once read of a father who gave his son a corner and provided him nails and a hammer with the instruction that any time he is angry. Instead of destroying things, he should drive a nail into the wall. this boy did so until he finished the nails. soon his Dad told him to remove the nails so he could reuse them. As the poor boy did so, the father showed him the unpleasant mark on the wall. He told him that this mark would have been on someone's face, heart, mind, body, or on any other gadget in the house. The father taught his son self control through this instance.
As parent we need to look for several avenues to caution our children and this can only be achieved if we are friends with our children. You can not have an impactful long distance relationship with your child. Some parent have a long distance relationship with their children and this mostly make the child pick up wrong values from the wrong people.
Yes! the economy is not friendly and so you need to be focused on your career but your real career is your Child or Children, as the case may be. Please note that one day, when you retire your reward of qualitative parenting would be waiting for you in the lifestyle or achievement of your children. Today many children have abandoned their parents in their old age and one of the reasons is that they did not do enough while the child was in the formative stage.
Thank you for visiting Olabusola's Review and i remain your loyal writer and blogger, Olabusola Olorunnowo.
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