TEACH YOUR CHILD TIME MANAGEMENT “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” ― Charles Darwin T he consciousness of time and how to manage it has posed a threat to many individuals, parents, and corporate bodies as well. In Africa for instance, we often make reference to the term "African time" in a bid to attend some public functions later than the stipulated time. However, this notion of African time has taken a negative turn on our nature and attitude. M any feel no remorse about their inability to be punctual; instead they blame it on several factors such as, economy, traffic, children, weather etc. In the same vein, some event planners encourage the "African time" syndrome hence the audiences are accustomed to arriving late, due to the mindset that the programme will start late. Unfortunately, the consciousness of availability of time has influenced indiscipline in the society at large. H ...