
Showing posts from July, 2017


TEACH YOUR CHILD TIME MANAGEMENT   “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.”  ―  Charles Darwin T he consciousness of time and how to manage it has posed a threat to many individuals, parents, and corporate bodies as well. In Africa for instance, we often make reference to the term "African time" in a bid to attend some public functions later than the stipulated time. However, this notion of African time has taken a negative turn on our nature and attitude.  M any feel no remorse about their inability to be punctual; instead they blame it on several factors such as, economy, traffic, children, weather etc.  In the same vein, some event planners encourage the "African time" syndrome hence the audiences are accustomed to arriving late, due to the mindset that the programme will start late. Unfortunately, the consciousness of availability of time has influenced indiscipline in the society at large. H ...


we all need to Make it count  Life is  like a running water. One of its purpose is to ensure it gives and pours out itself.  You need to ensure you fill up every (container) Human beings around you, with (the water) your content. We are charged today to make it count. Refill, impact the world around you with a little effort that will help them ahead. We are tied to the generation before us and after us and our failure to do the needful can affect the people around us. Thank you for your time on Olabusola's Review. I remain your loyal host Olabusola Olorunnowo.

The Nigerian Politics: Our Youths and the Prisons

The Nigerian Politics: Our Youths and the Prisons Thursday, 20th of July was not like any other day for me, even though the cloud was still in place yet some events made the day like many days in one. I was privileged to visit the Lagos Female Prison and the Medium Male Prison, each for 20 minutes. The purpose of my visit was to complete an official task.  However, in the process of carrying out my duty, I saw some young and old ladies of different complexion and heights, different tribes and status, all dressed in their casuals, as though they were in their respective homes, yet they were confined in the Female Prison. My heart was burdened with their welfare as well as whether these young women still had aspirations or not. Soon my time was up and it was time to leave.  Those few minutes meant so much to me as I traveled far in my mind; I looked beyond the reasons for which they were detained to, what would life have been for them, if they were not confi...


MOSUNMOLA 6 I decided to pay him a visit the next week just to learn a bit more about what was happening to our relationship. I had told him, I might be checking him up on a Tuesday or Wednesday of the next week but that I was not sure if my client would postpone the meeting.  His response was that I should call him once I made up my mind to come over. So on the said Wednesday, I got the call from my client and as soon as my appointment ended, I called Oluoba to ask if he was home. I actually called him, while I was halfway to his house. When I called Oluoba and informed him of my visit and he said I should give him some minutes after which he called back and said he was within the area but that he was not home.  Oluoba told me, his cousin James, was home with his girlfriend so he had to excuse them. As a result, he asked that I go back home and that he will come over to my place to see me. I obliged and told him, how much I had missed him. Instead of ...


                                                                                                                                             MOSUNMOLA 5 While we were together, we discussed about his family, growing up and the profession of the family members as well as mine. We had a great time together and till I left his place. Later that evening I called him to tell him how my day went and he said he was in a public place. I remember mentioning to him that I was also in the transit. We both agreed to talk later. I did not remember to call him until about few minutes pass 11pm. That was the moment I knew who and what I was dea...

Parenting During the Long Holiday

PARENTS AND THE HOLIDAY CHALLENGE Children are not casual guests in our home. They have been loaned to us temporarily for the purpose of loving them and instilling a foundation of values on which their future lives will be built . James Dobson W henever there is a need to discuss subjects as it concerns children, I find my passion sensitising my whole being to connect with it. This is wholly because of my work with children and confidante to many. So I see every child as a friend hence it is easy to listen to them. Once again it is another "Summer season" School children are going on a 6  - 7 week vacation and so many parents are already bothered about how to plan this holiday season. A friend once told me that, teachers and schools are no longer supportive due to the fact that summer lessons in her child 's school were moved to September.  Yes, the question on the mind of so many parents and guardian...


                                                                                                                             MOSUNMOLA 4 I got up, to pour some Juice for both Mosumola and I. We were both engrossed in the story that we had lost the sense of time. We had to munch some slice of chocolate cake with my home made fruit juice to spice up the discussion. I needed to understand what the end of the story was, here is my sweet dear friend looking radiant as ever. You can not tell from her facial expression, if she has had a bad day or tasted a sour grape in her relationship, Mosunmola always had it all put together. After dusting the crumbs of cake off her hands, she...


                                                                                                                                     MOSUNMOLA   3 M onths before he proposed, there had been one excuse or the other about his house. He mentioned that his cousin James was putting up with him and that he was saving up funds to get a better accomodaon so as to allow James retain the present apartment. I remember, asking him about visiting him at home. At some point, he said they had not gotten another house. One of those days, I got angry and insisted on following him home and he broke down, saying he does not want to loose me and that his hou...


MOSUNMOLA 2 The Mechanic advised him to leave the car, since it was past 7 o'clock in the evening already. He was so sad but concluded to come very early the next day to fix the car. On that particular day, he removed two things from his car before leaving, he removed; a gallon of fuel which he said he needed to fill into the generator set in his house and then he also removed a big loaf of bread. I was only feeling bad about the challenge with his car, especially because he had always lamented about the displeasure of boarding public transport. The next morning, the first call that unlocked my phone was Oluoba's call. I knew he must be outside my compound already. Just like I thoued foght, he was just by my door waiting to get a hug before joining the mechanic. As I opened the door, he teased me as usual, then we hugged and exchanged pleasantries, as we both walked towards the young Mechanic. While we watched the Mechanic fixing the car, we were chatting and locking...


O nce again I write with my pen stained with a flowing ink. I would ordinarily think the ink would stain my palette, rather my thought directs the ink in such a way that it's paints, aligns with the lines on this page. N o doubt it was a good evening, I was through with my appointments and I busy setting my table to write an article for a client when Mosunmola Jones, came in. Mosun is a lady with calm beauty and a cheerful eyes. I had known her for more than 5 years and our relationship had been of true friendship. Even though we rarely  see but we had a good understanding and respect for each other. Mosun is indeed a humble young lady from a Christian background. She knows what it meant to abound and to abase. She grew up with silver spoon but experienced lack during her University days; a situation where her Mum had to do petty trading to assist the family in sponsoring the children through school. She had great values that had sustained her from time to time. O n this day, ...


the Training Weekend T he deadline for the submission of the Calaba Trip Training list was almost up and Silvia have had to replace Kamson's name about two times in one minute. Her fingertip suddenly pressed send and really she had sent Kamson's name. She just had to be selfless and less professionally minded at this point, considering the present state of Kamson, it would have been more thoughtful to excuse her from further training weekends. Any other person in Silvia's position would have thought of every avenue to avoid any more unpleasant sight from Kamson. Many thoughts had hovered through Silvia's mind; one was that, this is business and PERFORMANCE is key, another was that sentiment is a threat to business growth... She only took the risk because she believed someone needed to help Kamson. I t was the last day of the training weekend and it was a Sunday Morning. Many of the participants had left to catch up with their flights, while a few went to  atte...