Why Do Some Guys Lead Ladies On Without Declaring Their Intentions On Time.

Why Some Guys Lead Ladies On Without Declaring Their Intentions On Time. I welcome you all to Tales by Olola, a blog where we discuss topical issues, share opinion and help one another to be re-positioned in other to live a purposeful life. Am your loyal host, Olabusola Olorunnowo An argument ensued between two folks and I pondered on the cause. It soon dawned on me that it was an issue that most of us might have heard of or experienced. The issue was a case of identical twins that had a very close friend who is very beautiful, and everyone assumed she was dating either one of them. They had often competed to care for her. Their friendship was arguably a good one until one evening when they both went to see her with their wedding invite. Hmmm! This was a great shock for her. Apparently she was expecting that a day would come when one of the twins will express his feelings towards her. Unfortunately, that day never came. She became so dejecte...