Who Is Your Ideal Woman
I welcome you all to Tales by Olola, a blog where we discuss topical issues, share opinion and help one another to be re-positioned in other to live a purposeful life. Am your loyal host, Olabusola Olorunnowo.
I welcome you all to Tales by Olola, a blog where we discuss topical issues, share opinion and help one another to be re-positioned in other to live a purposeful life. Am your loyal host, Olabusola Olorunnowo.
Once again it is yet another edition of opinion
poll and the subject of discourse is "WHO IS YOUR IDEAL
WOMAN". Judging from the last edition, it has been an
interesting and educative time on this blog as we entertain different
perception on "your ideal woman". Every human, form his perception
from several factors, however, our characters give an impression of who we are,
hence it is expedient we are mindful of our personality
Every man has his definition of whom an ideal woman is to him and this fact is relative from one person to another. Just as the scriptures put it “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” our men are not mincing their words, each one has expressed himself accordingly.A few more candid opinions are stated below:
Olatunji Raphael Finger Quest Farm***My ideal woman, is a woman that trust God as a friend. A woman of understanding and that is passionate in all her ways.
Henry Egware***Creative Director My ideal woman is someone who
is hard on the outside but soft inside... fears God and absolutely committed to
anything she sets her heart to
Owoyomi Olawale33***Creative Director Creo-Concept Entertainment*** My ideal woman is a Godly woman, passionate about her believes, determined to succeed and dedicated to her home...
King Philip
Yeah...it is really relative, but one
thing I will like to add is, there is no woman that is bad or wicked...it might
just be attitudes towards whom they don't flow with. No matter how high she is
Teghogho*** My ideal woman, is a woman with the mind of a captain but operating as an assistant for God made it so.
Oluwasegun 28,***My ideal woman is not limited to any feature of beauty or attitude. If I become attracted to a woman in an unusual way then she becomes my ideal woman.

***An ideal woman is one who is understanding & submissive, yet possessing some crucial qualities like cooking, been domesticated & rare beauty. Uzoma
Oluwatobi Adeyemo***... for me an ideal woman is a submissive woman.
Jedidiah Emmanuel*** To me, an ideal woman is a woman that is mentally matured. When we say fear of God, everyone boast of the fear of God. But women that have the fear of God are hard to find, most women are moved by sight. An ideal woman is a woman that has consciously become dead to the things of the flesh (cars, houses& career) and is more alive to things of God.
Emeka M, 32Banker***She is a good looking woman who is contented& proactive. By the virtue of my profession I have seen greedy women. Oh i mean women without virtue !
Oyinloye Babatunde, Curator *** In my own view, an ideal lady is d one that will accept me for who I am, that cares and love without any reservation... It’s endless...
Emmy2Nice*** My ideal woman is a woman that will compliment my short falls, my bad sides and make me a better person. Cos nobody is perfect...
Mr 'Biodun Adebiyi ***...Well, an ideal woman is she; who not only loves her husband but also demonstrates the love by helping in picking part of the bills in running the home and also training the children. -Teacher in the Department of Theatre Arts & Music, Lagos State University.
My ideal woman
should be someone running after purpose in life and a such, she should be a
suitable helper towards the fulfillment of my purpose in life. A passionate God
and Dog lover in grand style. PROUDLY KING TJ,consultant Dog breeder and care
provider par excellence
Kawe Olutaye commented on your blog post
A woman
who.can be her real self with a man or person she cherished so much even if it
has to pay the price of losing or letting go with a strong mind.....She must be
able to compromise
Joseph I. Pharmacist An ideal woman to me is a compassionate,
truthful woman who is dedicated to impact people positively.
“Most people who meet my wife quickly conclude that she is remarkable. They are right about this. She is smart, funny and thoroughly charming. Often, after hearing her speak at some function or working with her on a project, people will approach me and say something to the effect of, you know, I think the world of you, Barack, but your wife, wow!”
Wow! Thank you all for your contributions and sincere opinions. I wish you a purposeful life .
Thank you
Warm Regards
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