I welcome you all to Tales by Olola, a blog where we discuss topical issues, share opinion and help one another to be re-positioned in other to live a purposeful life. Am your loyal host, Olabusola Olorunnowo

We continue today, the ongoing discussion on Why Do Men Cheat? This topic is one of the unanswered and recurrent questions on the mind of most ladies. Having considered the previous subject ideal man& ideal woman , it just seem right to know if the absence of your ideal woman or man can cause cheating in a home or in a serious relationship.
Many men and women have different reasons for their actions and reactions in their various relationships. However, what is the reason why a man would cheat and if possible can it be avoided, if it is known.
Views from both gentle men and ladies have been coming in. Some of these views are:
Christopher***Media Artist From my end men cheat when the desirable of a woman is not achieved... They go a long way to get it else where... Call it whatever...
*** Bola Analyst... Men cheat because they tittle of respecting the creator of marriage which is God. A man would not cheat on his spouse not just because he loves her alone but because he reverences God.
*** Bola Analyst... Men cheat because they tittle of respecting the creator of marriage which is God. A man would not cheat on his spouse not just because he loves her alone but because he reverences God.
*** Mary Egbuedo 26 Banker... Men cheats for different reasons.. some cheats out of a mere fact that they want varieties. In this case the lady tries so hard to impress him, good sex, dresses well, smell nice, cooks, do his laundries and house chores, just to please him yet he still out of curiosity for varieties,he still go out there to cheat.
Why some cheat because they haven't found love. In this case I sometimes don't blame d men because we ladies have made love so cheap for them, we make ourselves available at all time for the man and thus he has dis mindset that she is available for all men at all time, he ends up searching for love as he may not see or find love in this lady.
Petra For no reason should a a man cheat. I mean there is no justification for infidelity. Infact if you as a man weight the financial loss attached, the embarrassment, the change of behaviour: when you have to lie and pretend to go be with your mistress, the health , mental , sociological, spiritually, psychological implications of cheating, then you would think it twice. Cheating may not seem like cheating when it first start, but the moment you find it easy to share your thoughts, plans, spend time and other things with another woman, more than your wife then you should know this your desire for secret pleasure may lead to more trouble that bargained for.
However, Men cheat because some women believe they can only make love with their husbands when children are not home, unfortunately, the children are always home. Some wivies have successfully used children and domestic matters to replace their love life. Some have used religious activities to engage themselves, there by starving their husbands unconsciously. More so some career women have no time for their children, house chores, talk more of the love life that once existed between them and their spouse.
Above all, I think men should always think of God, the vows they made at the altar, & may be posterity when this temptation comes, because it will always come. I bet you there are desperate ladies and married women alike who don't mind dating married men.
Dapo Accountant *** Men cheat for lack of self control. disrespect to their wives and due to ignorance of the consequences of infidelity.
***Mercy King Fashion Consultant Men cheat in marriages or in relationships for some many reasons and it differs from one man to another.

Tunde Oyinloye Ceramist *** Men cheat for diverse reasons: lack of satisfaction from home. Men's sexual urge is far more higher than that of the lady, when this happens and d lady isn't willing to shift ground it can lead to extra-marital affairs. Also, some religious beliefs give room for extra marital affairs.
In a situation whereby it is allowed to have more than one wife it is a way of legalizing it (extra-marital affairs).Furthermore, some cultural beliefs allow it. Some cultural practice in Nigeria allow a man to deliberately give his wife out to a friend or relative for sex; to these set of pple there is nothing like extra-marital affair......the list is endless!
*** Telema 33 Yes men cheat and women cheat as well and none is good. Some reasons i think result into a man cheating are: 1. If a man has a family history of his Dad cheating on his mum, he might fall a victim of it if care is not taken.
2. Some men cheat not because they want to, but in an attempt to run away from domestic or work related challenges. 3. Some men cheat because they are emotionally dissatisfied or are tired of their marriage. Indeed marriage can be boring at times.4. Some men cheat because they want to experiment with their sex lives and they know their wives won't allow it.
Anu CEO Insecurity I guess. A real man will find ways to keep himself than cheat.
Jedidiah ***Men cheat because of natural reason of exploiting women seeking out for successful men to date. Some reason are loneliness, most times when the girlfriend is too busy for them.
Men and women have the tendency to make out frequently as regards to sex, but most women make men suffer for this as regards to their mood or when the man has bought some gifts for them, so therefore making the man have multiple sex partners. For the sake of the pleasure...
Men and women have the tendency to make out frequently as regards to sex, but most women make men suffer for this as regards to their mood or when the man has bought some gifts for them, so therefore making the man have multiple sex partners. For the sake of the pleasure...

Hence they fall prey to some crazy girls that dupe them or destroy their marriage. No matter how your wife or girlfriend behave cheating is not the solution. Why not try to communicate with your partner & ensure things get better. There is no excuse for cheating.
* Isioma Nurse Not all men cheat but the few that cheat in my view do it to satisfy themselves. Once a man feels he is not really needed, he looks for where he would be pampered & hide under the disguise of their partner's misbehaviour forgetting two wrongs don't make a right.
At times it is not that their wives intentionally sex starve them, in one of the cases i have heard, the woman was pregnant and her husband finds her sex life boring hence he looks for an alternative. Forgetting the pregnancy is his responsibility. Another reason is that some men marry for the wrong reasons without knowing their partners well. Then few years into the marriage they start looking for one babe to confide in. Patience, Communication and counselling is what i suggest if you are tempted to cheat...
At times it is not that their wives intentionally sex starve them, in one of the cases i have heard, the woman was pregnant and her husband finds her sex life boring hence he looks for an alternative. Forgetting the pregnancy is his responsibility. Another reason is that some men marry for the wrong reasons without knowing their partners well. Then few years into the marriage they start looking for one babe to confide in. Patience, Communication and counselling is what i suggest if you are tempted to cheat...
I must confess that this discussion has been mind blowing, especially with the different perspectives each one contributed from. I do appreciate you all for your sincere contributions. More comments on this subject of discourse is here by welcome.
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