_ "What Is The Best Age To Marry& What Age Is Late"
I welcome you all to Olabusola's Review, a blog where we discuss topical issues,share opinion and help one another to be re-positioned in other to live a purposeful life. I am your loyal host, Olabusola Olorunnowo.
I welcome you all to Olabusola's Review, a blog where we discuss topical issues,share opinion and help one another to be re-positioned in other to live a purposeful life. I am your loyal host, Olabusola Olorunnowo.
It happened that Olola was on a cruise and a couple of women's conversation fascinated me. They were chatting away the time as they waited for the attendant.
Soon their conversation drifted from Aso Ebi to "Children of now a days just grow old before setting a wedding date". The other woman responded,"In our days, at age 30 or 32, you already would had your children".
Wow! Then i wondered, back in the day so many things were done differently but does it mean those things were right? This conversation however, informed the topic for our discussion for today: "What Is The Best Age To Marry & What Age is late". Some researchers say getting married in late 20's or early 30's is good as it helps to reduce divorce since both partners are not governed by hormones and that since they have both learnt how to take up responsibilities... but is this really true...
To further look at this subject of discourse, I will like to stress that there are several factors that influence the decision to get married and the knowledge of this factor might just help some young adult in their their planning process.
****** VIEWS:
Tunde Oyinloye Curator... In my opinion, 24/25 years of age should be appropriate. By then it is assumed the lady must have been fully matured physically, mentally& Psychologically.
*** Arike Artist 32... To me 30 is late. I feel age 25 for the female and for the male 28 is ideal. Once you are schooled and you are mentally, emotionally and financially ready to marry. However, You don't marry at a given age because you are ready to marry rather you marry because you have been preparing to marry.
Then i think some ladies marry late because they despise the days of little beginning: i.e when they were young and radiant they keep enjoying the voice and gifts of their admirers until a time comes and they can only hear their own voice. Another reason might be that some young people don't think of marriage early until they are 28 then they start searching. As a christian you should start praying about your marriage from age 17/18. Then the planning comes gradually.

***Philip Ekomenme...Well, it is not anyone's intention to marry late...the Nigeria economy is a huge contributory factor. in those days, my dad and mum married in their early 20s. Then the economy was great. Now, i struggled to finish my education at age of 28 and finished serving at 29.
Now, i am still trying to settle down financially so that the woman i marry does not suffer. i am not saying i need to be rich before i get married, but it is expected that at least i have a good source of income to sustain my family.
There is no age to be termed as late marriage...even those who have entered early wish they are not married now... And none to be termed as early marriage, you marry when you think you can cope. .. And if you are delayed in any way due to some factors, it does not mean your marriage wont work.
Then i think some ladies marry late because they despise the days of little beginning: i.e when they were young and radiant they keep enjoying the voice and gifts of their admirers until a time comes and they can only hear their own voice. Another reason might be that some young people don't think of marriage early until they are 28 then they start searching. As a christian you should start praying about your marriage from age 17/18. Then the planning comes gradually.

***Philip Ekomenme...Well, it is not anyone's intention to marry late...the Nigeria economy is a huge contributory factor. in those days, my dad and mum married in their early 20s. Then the economy was great. Now, i struggled to finish my education at age of 28 and finished serving at 29.
Now, i am still trying to settle down financially so that the woman i marry does not suffer. i am not saying i need to be rich before i get married, but it is expected that at least i have a good source of income to sustain my family.
There is no age to be termed as late marriage...even those who have entered early wish they are not married now... And none to be termed as early marriage, you marry when you think you can cope. .. And if you are delayed in any way due to some factors, it does not mean your marriage wont work.
*** Eve 33 Sales Personnel. For me age is important and the will of God is equally important but planning on time is most important. Am in my 30's and I didn't plan getting married until lately. Have had better gentle men come my way while i was in my 20's, but i was never ready for some trivial reasons. I think marrying at mid 20's is good. However, i like to submit that having a vision for one's self determine when to marry. Also when find an individual who is your friend and with whom you can rely on and settle with, then you can... even if it's in your 30's. Your happiness is very crucial.
***Mr Matthew N.
Age is just a number for a man. Some people are not matured even at 30. They still find some things difficult to understand or even the reasons why they should marry. So you see that such people by 40, they can now reasonably consider taking care of a woman. Then for a woman, age 20-28. Age 30 i think is late.
***Sarah Teacher... Hnmmmnmm... There are times you plan to marry but you don't just see it coming.So to me... marrying late is not often an intentional act. You know in African we understand that so many things affect your desire to marry : evil powers, money & getting the right persons are also inclusive. 33 is late for a lady and 40 is late for a man.
***For me I really do not think there is a specified age but when you notice your friends are getting married you get an insight that it's time.However, while in the university you should have an entrepreneurs' mindset so that if after graduation you don't get an immediate job, you would still be able to plan yourself as regards settling down. Another reason is that, when you see people in your family line getting married, it might also prompt you to consider settling down.
Upbringing also matters in the desire to get married. For a woman i think she should be procreating already in her 30's. Most importantly , once you are 18 years, I would advice you to build a relationship with God and this would help you align your life to it's ideal purpose. Early knowledge of God would help you establish yourself in life& marriage.
Marriage is magnificent but it's a lot of responsibility! Am of the school of thought that says there are no best age to marry likewise there are no late age in marrying someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. 18 might be the best time for someone while for another,it could be 25. Bottom line for me is about been prepared spiritually,physically,
*** Coach Peter Odetunde There is no best age to marry. There are different strokes to different folks. People marry for different reasons.
***Nah God..Film Maker
***For me I really do not think there is a specified age but when you notice your friends are getting married you get an insight that it's time.However, while in the university you should have an entrepreneurs' mindset so that if after graduation you don't get an immediate job, you would still be able to plan yourself as regards settling down. Another reason is that, when you see people in your family line getting married, it might also prompt you to consider settling down.Upbringing also matters in the desire to get married. For a woman i think she should be procreating already in her 30's. Most importantly , once you are 18 years, I would advice you to build a relationship with God and this would help you align your life to it's ideal purpose. Early knowledge of God would help you establish yourself in life& marriage.
Marriage is magnificent but it's a lot of responsibility! Am of the school of thought that says there are no best age to marry likewise there are no late age in marrying someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. 18 might be the best time for someone while for another,it could be 25. Bottom line for me is about been prepared spiritually,physically, emotionally and mentally. Once a man or woman is not matured in all this factors,He or She has no business going into marriage. ( Consultant Dog Farmer and Care Provider par excellence)
**** Georgina CSU Personnel
However old you are the best time to marry is when you meet the one you are most comfortable with it's good whenever you feel most ready and better still while you are still strong as a lady for pregnancy especially before 35.*** Coach Peter Odetunde There is no best age to marry. There are different strokes to different folks. People marry for different reasons.
***Ben 25-35 is good for both and I am not always particular about the age but the personality and if they are friends. I think the important thing is for parents to educate their children from teenage to learn how to date and who to date.
If a young adult date for the good reasons then there wont be any reason to marry late. This is because you would have a decent and an understanding partner and the thought of marrying that person would be easy.
In Africa, we believe that from age 18 once the individual can drive & take responsibility like been jailed for an offence, then such is suitable for marriage. However, most age 18 are not matured enough hence the need for them to gather more knowledge.
Another reason is that according to God a man would leave his father & mother & Clive to his wife. Which means both of them have to be able to fend for each other, even if both don't have a regular job one should have. In the circular world they look at age but Ecc3 says there is time and season for everything. Meaning there is no late or early age. Your time may not be mine.
Human calendar is different from God' s own. As God's children we need to consult him for his plans for our lives:marriage inclusive.A good Christian should not fold hands and wait till old age creep in. Desire to marry, prayerfully talk to God about it& it will work out no matter your age. Draw near to him& he would to you.
If a young adult date for the good reasons then there wont be any reason to marry late. This is because you would have a decent and an understanding partner and the thought of marrying that person would be easy.
**** Hannah O, Engineer
For me between 23-26 for the lady and between 25 -28 for a young man. Getting married around age does not mean it is the perfect age. Rather marrying around this age would help the couple to plan their lives better, retire early and know them selves more. Another advantage to this is that when a young lady get married around this age she would save herself from the matured single ladies trauma: a situation of the desperation in finding the right companion cum societal pressure and loneliness which could lead to depression.****
Kelvin, Business man
For me i think the appropriate age for a guy is early forties. A fool at forty is a fool forever, they often say, so am sure that if a man is in his early 40's he wont marry a woman and suffer her. He would have made all things needed available for the home. At 40 you are matured for marital responsibilities. Then for the lady, I think from between 20 and 27. A woman can be 10 -15 years younger than the husband. The important is that can he take care of her.
*** Bisi Olotu (Mrs )Teacher
In Africa, we believe that from age 18 once the individual can drive & take responsibility like been jailed for an offence, then such is suitable for marriage. However, most age 18 are not matured enough hence the need for them to gather more knowledge.
Another reason is that according to God a man would leave his father & mother & Clive to his wife. Which means both of them have to be able to fend for each other, even if both don't have a regular job one should have. In the circular world they look at age but Ecc3 says there is time and season for everything. Meaning there is no late or early age. Your time may not be mine.
Human calendar is different from God' s own. As God's children we need to consult him for his plans for our lives:marriage inclusive.A good Christian should not fold hands and wait till old age creep in. Desire to marry, prayerfully talk to God about it& it will work out no matter your age. Draw near to him& he would to you.
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